jeudi 6 décembre 2007

Some big footed stripper left her shoes in our office, so I decided them to give them a go. Awkward doesn't even begin to describe it...
In other news, the Greatest movie of ALL TIME is coming out soon. It's called Big City, and from what I gather it's a western played by little kids!
That maniacal smile can only mean one thing: Cult Classic. There's been posters promoting it all over the city including rue St Denis, a street famous for its old a.m whores. Nothing like seeing an the old withered whore leaning against a poster that featured all the little girls in the movie, including this one:
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The WTF factor with this movie is so incredibly high for me, I'm sure it won't be quite as good as it is in my head. At least I can bank on outdated stereotypes and racist caricatures galore.
Here's the trailer:

1 commentaire:

blindslug a dit…

what happened to my thoughts exactly?? you just gonna up and change blog names like that?