After so much hype I'm a little disappointed by the Strike. I mean if you're going to give the day an ominous name like "Black Thursday" you have to deliver something. M wondered if Sarkozy announced his divorce on the same day to put the focus on himself, rather than the strikers. Pretty brilliant strategy. The point is I didn't really notice anything out of the ordinary, I mean it was a bit harder to find a Velib to ride to work, but nothing serious, and frankly I should stop slacking, and start riding to work everyday. It probably takes less time, and I get to see tons of neat little shops. My new favourite street: Charonne. So here's a map of my voyage

What you can't see on my map is the giant fish water puddle I stepped in while attempting to cut through a market at Bastille. As my foot sunk into the ankle deep puddle I immediately felt the pain of a slapstick comedian hell bent on resurrecting his career: desperation, anger, and fish stink - with no one around to see it, well except for a lucky fish monger.
Later the same day I saw a wonderful pile of trash on the Blvd Magenta.

All and all a successful strike!
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