mercredi 17 octobre 2007


Got the new Hives record today. Was I a fool to believe that it'd be good? All the signs were right there, staring me in the face.
-They just finished a tour with Maroon 5 (HUH?!?!?)
-They did that Nike ad,
-They worked with Pharrell Williams who apparently decided he wanted to play Rock band again.
It seems so obvious now. In fact, it's like they got passed through one of those old-timey clothing presses. You can practically see an evil suit maniacally turning the crank, and laughing a hearty, despotic laugh.
Why didn't you people buy their last album? It was good. What happened to sticking it out for a band? I know they were part of that rock and roll revival, but is that a reason to forget them like some 2 dollar whore you decided to take a chance on? She was nice, she was exciting, and most of all she worked hard. And now you've dun gone and cast her aside like last week's Big Mac you decided to keep in the fridge for some reason. It ain't right.

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