It seems like every movie I enjoyed in my childhood involved a tight ass business man trying to reconnect with his family (National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Plane Trains and Automobiles, Parenthood). In all these films there were a number of obligatory scenes: the busy New York street scene where the protagonist is either lost, or trying to run through the crowd (!) ideally with some South African flute music in the background to add dramatic flair. Then there's the scene when he walks through the busy office, and heads straight to his office where he proceeds shrink into his chair, and realize that his life has no meaning. These scenes always struck me as a kid. I always worried about ending up in an office, facing a computer and not knowing what the hell I was supposed to do. I mean did they teach that kind of thing in University? What other secrets did adults keep from me? More importantly, would I be discovered as a fraud when I eventually found my way into an office? Was there any other way to survive in the world if you didn't work in an office? This might have something to with the fact that life in these movies was always pricey and involved department stores likes Macy's which I assumed required a fancy office job.
Many of these questions still plague me. Currently, I think I might suffer from selective ADHD. For example: I probably shouldn't be writing this right now, but I can't help myself - also I'm stuck on the other things I have to write about. I tell myself that maybe if I worked from home I'd be able to manage my work schedule, but who am I kidding? I'd be like that terrible Adam @ Home comic that runs in the Toronto Star, and I DESPISE that comic.
Case and point:

Goddddd it's like one of those neverending Honks that happen on a Sunday when you're really hungover and it hurts to open your eyes.
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