-The future is located in Illinois, right beside the Kentucky border. -Bill Murray used to look like a confusing lesbian (crossed-eyed? caterpillars for brows?) -Pizza has been turned into medication for dumb hippies with cash to blow (finally!) (click for full genius)
I enjoy tv shows set in California because there is always the possibility of people swimming, and I love watching rich people swim. This interest branches off into other fields such as swimming pools incorporated into bedrooms, and underwater hotels.
Do doctors expect honesty from their patients? Like when I tell my doctor that I have 8 drinks a week, does she multiply that by 3 to get a real sense of how badly I treat my body? Do doctors take a class in bullshit detection? I mean there's always a respected distance between you and your doctor, and sure maybe you're the type that doesn't mind revealing the dirty deeds. Regardless of your personal preference, I'm pretty sure doctors have a liars bump calculation (for the correct term please refer to the title of this post) In other news, anyone else feel like running away? I hear birds chirping, I see snow melting, but I can't help but feel like unproductive-in-a-rut crap. Even my notes don't make any sense. And what's with my hair?
Hey! Some 22 year old got a $300m contract with the Pentagon to supply weapons to Afghan troops. Can you imagine how stressed out that guy must have been? Think of a small time pot dealer, and multiply that by pentagon and $300m. Is there anything more fanciful than people in the arms business? These people aren't like us. They live dangerous, Romancing the Stonesque lives. Like that Merchant of Death guy, talk about baller. In fact that settles it, fucked up international rogues are my new fantasy. Sure they might act tough on the outside, but after a few dates you might find out he's an origami master, or has the ability to fly. Plus their stories must last for days. like intelligent, well spoken Rambos, with a side order of evil.
Did anyone else see the Darjeeling Ltd? I knew I was a little disappointed after Anderson's last foray into what the fuck characters, but I had some hope for this one. I was wrong. Sure it was pretty, but when you hear Owen Wilson say lines like "These people are beautiful" as he stares at some anonymous Indians, it ain't right. .Kind of like this article in the Times: How to survive in New York on 99 Cents. Yes it's true, poor people are poor,depressing, and they eat like shit. Gross.
"Another night, after amassing some brown rice and cans of bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and baby corn at Jack’s, I bought some Chinese broccoli off-site for a big stir-fry. For dessert each night we turned to the slightly wanton charms of the Little Debbie product line, particularly young Debbie’s Oatmeal Creme Pies, whose velvety filling so perfectly captures an imagined marriage between buttercream frosting and Noxzema." It reads like one of those Progressive era pamphlets on Tenement living. Anyone? Eugenics? Anyone? Look into it. And maybe (if you're lucky) Theodore "Trust Buster" Roosevelt will become your favourite American president too! In other news, that guy Christian Lander, the man behind "Stuff White People Like" is getting mentioned everywhere. Shit I read about him as I ate my weetabix this morning.
I interviewed him a while back for viceland. Check it here Somehow the skinhead weetabix ad seemed fitting.
-Calico Cafe in Japan. Patrons can hang out with cats for a couple hours without having to deal with their constant nagging, and eventual betrayal. The trailer for Righteous Kill. Is there anything better than rogue cops, badges, guns, Paci-Nero? No there isn't.
You might not know this about me but I ride the subway. I also make a point of reading every single ad during my underground adventure, because I detest No Logo (suck on that Klein, and the year 2000). However my distaste for Logo just comes down to the fact that I'm petty and illogical. But then it happened: I was Shocked by the Cadbury Thins chocolate bar ad campaign. Did you know that Thins were voted best chocolate bar in 2007? Well enjoy your time in the sun Thins cos the only thing that was holding me back from an all out smear campaign was my geographic position, and I just got home.
Here's the problem with Thins ads, they all read like some piss poor attempt at Cosmo english. Manscaping? No one outside of some boardroom with a giant glass table covered in discarded starbucks wrappers, and forks with salad encrusted on the tines talks like that. Just cos you stayed up all night coming up with an idea doesn't make it good. You know why? Because I don't want to want to deserve chocolate like I'm some sort of snotnosed kid. MacLaren McCann you might think you get women, but you don't get me. You know why? Because I don't really like chocolate enough to buy it, and I hate unspoken bonds between women.
So Cadbury here's where we stand on me buying a Thins bar. First off it probably won't happen. Sorry, I'm into salty snacks, but you could consider a visceral attack on me, by say, showering me with bars as I walk down the street. OR you could put together an elaborate ruse involving a hypnotist à la Old Boy which would set off a chain of events relating every moment in my life to Thins bars. OR you could focus all your time and energy on constructing a time machine so that you could go back to those nine months in 1984 when my mom was pregnant with me and attempt to manipulate my genetic makeup so that nothing in my life will matter until the day I discover Thins. If you do that then maybe I'll be into your chocolate bar. Otherwise quit hogging the subway ad space, and let the old Sex guy tell me more about his return to the sex fold. On a lighter note: Maroon 5 is back! I'm already reserving my tickets for Live Nation. What about you?
Back in Toronto only to discover that a favourite east-end fixture is no more: One more brown Oldsmobile replaced by a Matrix. I saw Teenanger on Saturday night. Steve, Gabe and I invented 2 new insults: dipbomb and lubeback. Usage: Jerk 1:"F-you dipbomb!" Jerk 2: "Who you calling dipbomb, lubeback?" Funny no? Ask me about it in person and I will try my best to make it live. Ate some ham last night. My mom and her friends want to do a boomer ladies club night, watching them churn out ideas for the party that will never happen was fun. It also conjured up bittersweet images in my head.
So here I sit in an apartment in Austin with people I have never met, surrounded by dogs I have never met. No big deal. It's late and early all at once. I saw groups I'd never heard of. Took a bus unsure of where it would go. Drove 48 hours with someone I barely know. A time of bizarre firsts to compliment my confusing day to day. Can't explain. Well I guess I can, but this isn't the place...you know 6am and all. I drink whiskey and it makes sense, sort of. I miss lots of people. I really do. I guess that's why I'm here. I saw a midlife crisis the other day. Yellow Corvette, cigar, sense of entitlement. It was a sight to see. In Little Rock, Arkansas I saw a giant billboard that read JESUS. I was struck by its aplomb. Not that it convinced me, it was just clear. What should I do? Tomorrow is Motorhead, and more silliness. Everything's bigger in Texas I guess.
I'm back in Toronto. Yes, after a 12 hour adventure through the skies, and U.S customs... Anyone else been there recently? Retina scans? Fingerprints? Yeesh. Philadelphia airport did not win any power points with that attitude, nosiree. Although the jerky cop scene was pretty amusing: cop: hey bucko why you standing there? Innocent passenger looking for his wife: ... cop: Hey buddy! Buddy. Jesus Christ (huffin). Who the hell do you think you are? Innocent passenger looking for his wife: ... (walks away) cop: Fuck that guy. Whadja need sweetheart? me: *swooooooooon* Nothing.
After some decent people watching and bad movies (Bee Movie? What. The. Fuck? Litigious bees? What's next, Panda Army?) I landed in Toronto. I need a few days to regroup and really get down to the nitty gritty. Last night at the Adidas shop really made realize that Paris has turned me into a party snob. Adrienne and I came up with great company: MARKETING WORKS! or mktg wrks. More on that later. I need to do something. Blast this grey and dismal weather. Regret isn't a river in Egypt.