You might not know this about me but I ride the subway. I also make a point of reading every single ad during my underground adventure, because I detest No Logo (suck on that Klein, and the year 2000). However my distaste for Logo just comes down to the fact that I'm petty and illogical. But then it happened: I was Shocked by the Cadbury Thins chocolate bar ad campaign. Did you know that Thins were voted best chocolate bar in 2007? Well enjoy your time in the sun Thins cos the only thing that was holding me back from an all out smear campaign was my geographic position, and I just got home.
Here's the problem with Thins ads, they all read like some piss poor attempt at Cosmo english. Manscaping? No one outside of some boardroom with a giant glass table covered in discarded starbucks wrappers, and forks with salad encrusted on the tines talks like that. Just cos you stayed up all night coming up with an idea doesn't make it good. You know why? Because I don't want to want to deserve chocolate like I'm some sort of snotnosed kid. MacLaren McCann you might think you get women, but you don't get me. You know why? Because I don't really like chocolate enough to buy it, and I hate unspoken bonds between women.

On a lighter note: Maroon 5 is back! I'm already reserving my tickets for Live Nation. What about you?

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